7 Reasons to get a professional e-mail address

7 Reasons to get a professional e-mail address

7 Reasons to get a professional e-mail address.

Of course the appearance of professionalism is of the utmost importance. A branded e-mail address can show who you are and your company name to the public at large. This is great for that specific lead you wish to follow up on. Creating a positive image for your company is of course the utmost priority. But what of the other benefits? Read on for the 7 Reasons to get a professional e-mail address.

#1. Credibility.

Today’s internet world, makes trust hard to gain. The path of least resistance is key to success in the shortest time. Credibility works only when there is synergy of your resources; working together at the goal of winning over a customer’s trust. Imagine your recipients receive an email from you and it looks something like: name.mybiz.123@hotmail.com. Would this inspire confidence in you if you received this? The same is true of them. Easily something like this is treated as spam, ignoring it and moving onto.. Dare I say.. your competition. Every “gut” and instinct says to go with the more credible source. So, confidence is to be inspired, setting your recipients at ease that you really are who you say you are. An e-mail address like name@myBiz.com brings trustworthiness, confidence and credibility.

#2 Improved results.

Having a business e-mail address gives you a better chance at landing in the inbox instead of the recipient’s spam folder. When you open your own spam, you will notice that most of the e-mails there come from yahoo.com, gmail.com, and so on.. Having an e-mail that contains your company’s domain makes it more recognizable. In a recent article on e-mail deliverability, the author mentioned that the root of all reputation should be directly linked to the sender’s corporate website or brand identity. This makes it easy for customers to look up your company website. Also, it helps reassure them that you are a legitimate and established business

#3 E-mail addresses for specific purpose.

This gives you the opportunity to structure your business by department. For example, support@myBiz.com, info@myBiz .com, sales@myBiz.com and so on. What’s more, you can organize all these different e-mails coming through, from one place.

#4 Flexibility and control.

Once your business expands, setting departmental e-mail addresses is done in minutes. And when you wish to no longer use a specific e-mail, deleting or re-directing e-mail is quick and easy too.

#5 Branding & Consumer Confidence.

A business e-mail address is a part of your brand. If done right, it helps you promote your business, not to mention it enforces brand awareness and helps people identify with you.

#6 Marketing.

Having a gmail or yahoo e-mail for your business equates to promoting someone else’s business. Having your own branded mail sets you apart and adds to your professional image.

#7 Improves communication.

With a branded e-mail address, people easily recognize you and decide within seconds if they want to open it and engage with you. It is also easier for people to find your e-mail in previous e-mail searches, thus contacting you and not someone else.

In Conclusion

A professional e-mail address helps gain new customers and inspires confidence

Like any business that wants to grow, client confidence is key in decision making. A professional e-mail will take you a step further towards that goal. For a recipient, opening a professional e-mail is a small detail that can make all the difference; Choosing to go with you instead of the competition.

A professional and recognizable e-mail address representing your business is the equivalent to word-of-mouth on the web.

Do you need a professional e-mail address? mail me 😉 on my business email: mark@webworks.co.za or visit our contact page for more

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